Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Language of shoes

Recently as I was reading an article in, where Louboutin was giving his insight as to why women would endure wearing killer heels. "There is an element of seduction in shoes that doesn't exist for men…The language starts with the shoe and radiates over the whole body. A woman can be sexy, charming, witty or shy with her shoes. Shoes for men are about elegance or wealth; they are not playing with the inner character. ...That's why women are happy to wear painful shoes.”

I totally agree with his sentiments. Shoes, just like pictures, speak a thousand words about the wearer. Just think about it; if a lady who is impeccably dressed walks into a room full of people, with elegant, sleek stilettos, you cannot deny that your head will not turn (if not the formation of a lump in your throat for the ladies). If on the other hand, she had, well, another rather ordinary pair of pumps, I doubt you would think twice about looking in her direction. Same case goes for the gentlemen. You can notice a sharp man a mile away by the shoes he’s wearing.
Your shoes can say a couple of things; “I’m confident; I command a presence; I’m powerful; I know I am beautiful/handsome; I am in charge of my life; I know where I’m headed; I’m bold and witty, fun and charismatic” or “I’m not sure about myself; I care less about how I look and I don’t have time for me; I’m shy; I just take life as it comes; I’m boring and unadventurous; I’m not sure about where I’m headed”.
Shoes undeniably tell us something about you whether you want to believe it or not. It is a fashion accessory that can either make or break you. So here are some of my key tips for y’all to remember when wearing and buying a pair of shoes;

Quality- the quality of the shoe is one important factor to consider whether you are buying a new pair or picking your favorites from your closet. You do not want to have threads sticking out from your shoe, chipped off leather, almost breaking heels; ask yourself, if I wear these pair of shoes today, will it give me a sharp or a sloppy look, and what message will it send out? You do not have to get yourself a pair of Jimmy Choo’s, for you to achieve the quality feel and look you are going for. I’d rather you fake it than look sloppy. So pick your shoes with a careful eye for detail (n remember when faking it, cheap is expensive, so you would rather invest in a good pair) Ohh, and if the shoe metamorphosises to a human and begins to speak, it’s time for them to hit the bucket!

Comfort and fit! – I cannot emphasize the importance of comfort in the shoe you wear. Not only can it be a potential health hazard, but shoes that are uncomfortable break your overall look, because it affects how you walk. Any one can tell when you are not comfortable in your shoes, and this comes down to the fit of the shoe. When buying a shoe, buy one that is your size or a size smaller than your actual size, even though they may seem a bit small at the time of purchase, because they will eventually expand to accommodate the shape of your foot. The last thing you want to be having is cringed up walking due to the pain of squashed feet or shoe floating when you want to be making that impression.

Foot complement – you want to wear shoes that will complement your foot (and look). When it comes to heels flat footed people look better in a heeled shoe; it adds a touch of elegance to the foot. Chunky ankles look best in a shoe with a strap at the ankle; this gives an illusion of a slim ankle. Y’all with slender legs, you’re the luckiest coz you can play around with various styles and still kill it.

Consider your daily routine – I see many women in town, dragging their feet to the tune of 4, 5 inch stilettos, and no, they do not have their cars parked at some parking lot in town, with a driver waiting to carry them home. These women for some apparent reason seem to believe that they are super-woman running errands in heels; little do they know that they are painting a very disturbing image to the public at large. My suggestion is, consider the activities of your day, and the places that you will be when choosing the type of shoe you wear. It will help your life be much smoother and simpler. Also wear shoes for the right occasion. Yesterday I saw a lady in 6inch heels and she was only coming to school. Umm, we are not working at Marie Claire where you are required to wear heels 24/7, and neither is school an Alexander McQueen show to show case your prowess in walking in 6s’. Just the way you would dress appropriately for the occasion, wear the appropriate shoes for the appropriate occasion as well.

 And for my fella’s – for you it’s just plain and simple; stick to the quality and presentation of the shoe. No chewed up talking shoes please, or smelly ones for that matter! Neat, well primed, clean shoes are the way to go. Allow your shoes to get the occasional breather as well. I make my impression about guys by the shoe they wear; and I’m a sucker for guys who know how to let their shoes speak.

Designer Quickie:

Christian Louboutin (pronounced; loui(s)-buit(a)n) was born on January 7th 1964. He is a French footwear designer and launched his line of high-end shoes in 1991. Since 1992 however, after realizing that something was missing in his shoes, the red sole became a part of his signature trademark. His interest in shoes started from an early age where he spent his free time sketching his favorite shoes. His work is highly accredited by Hollywood’s elite women such as Angelina Jolie, Mariah Canon, Madonna among many others.
Louboutin stores can be sported in Beverly Hills’, New York, Las Vegas, Hong Kong and London. And you can also purchase a pair at high end department stores such as Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman.
For more information visit:

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